Health and Welfare

Benefit Management Group Inc.
150 1st Ave NE #450
Cedar Rapids IA 52401
Open till 4:00 pm
Health Care Reimbursement account (HCRA). If you do not have eight digits to your IA membership number add zeros in front of your number to make eight digits.
National Pension Fund
Members of Local 263 are eligible for participation in Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers Local #263 – Retirement Savings Plan.
This plan was created as a result of a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers Local #263, AFL-CIO and the Cedar Rapids Chapter of the National Sheet Metal Contractors Association and Contributing Employers to provide union members with the opportunity to save for retirement on a tax deferred basis. The Summary Plan Description (SPD) is a multi-paged booklet that can be obtained from the fund trustees. The SPD contains information regarding eligibility, plan benefits, distribution options, and other features of the Plan.
Those members (including retirees) who no longer have annuity funds in the Local #263’s plan will want to contact the National Pension Fund.
Local Pension Fund
If you are currently or formerly an active member of Local #263 and have annuity funds in your retirement accounts, Milliman is the record keeper for Local #263’s members of the SMART Union retirement savings plan.
SMART Local Union No. 263 – Retirement Savings Plan is funded by contributions from Employers who are parties to the Collective Bargaining Agreement and voluntary wage reductions from Participants under the 401 (k) elective provisions of the Plan.
CEU Requirements
The state of Iowa now mandates that Sheet Metal Workers are licensed by the state and licensees must renew their license every two years. Continuing Education Units (CEU) are required before renewal. Local 263 regularly arranges for courses and is currently seeking accreditation for their courses to fulfill CEU requirements for the renewal.
Information about requirements for renewal and the number of CEUs required each two years is available from:
Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing
Plumbing & Mechanical System Board
6200 Park Avenue Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50321
Visit the state-wide licensing site at
Eligible applicants are the legal spouse or legal dependent of any SMART Local #263 building trades member paying into the Local Scholarship Fund. Status is determined according to the description of the above and by the same eligibility rules of SMART#263 Health and Welfare plan. The beneficiary or spouse must be of a member that is presently paying dues as an active member currently working in the trade or seeking full employment in the trade. The committee will make the final interpretation, if disputed.
To be considered:
- The applicant must be currently enrolled full-time in a technical school, vocational school, or college/university.
- All requests must be in writing.
- No requests will be accepted if postmarked later than the published deadline (see above), December 1, 2025.
- Applicants who are otherwise eligible for this scholarship shall be eligible to receive a scholarship award from SMWIA Local #263 for a maximum of four years. The years need not be consecutive but is a lifetime total.
Please send written application to be considered for the scholarship. The application MUST include:
- Letter of request, which includes:
- Your name
- Contact address
- College/university address of financial aid office
- Your student number at the college (and your social security number),and your sponsoring member’s name.
- Official document from your college or school verifying your current enrollment at their institution. Enrollment document must be sent WITH your letter of application.
Send to:
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Union, Local #263
Attn: Scholarship Committee
1211 Wiley Blvd. SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-1320